smallHD Focus: An Exceptionally Clear Winner

Much as we love the people and capabilities of Sony cameras, the compromises the company has made in battery life, menu clarity, rear LCD panel brightness and articulation on their a6 and a7 cameras leave much room for improvement. smallHD wasn't the first company to figure this out, but the product they made to address it -- the Focus -- is the best solution we've seen to ALL of it.

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Smartphones Crush Traditional Players, Apple Tops on Flickr 2015

The handwriting is on the wall in bright colors: the halcyon days of point & shoots AND DSLRs for casual, social users are OVER - at least as far as Flickr is concerned.

Precipitous declines in Canon and Nikon use were at the hands of Apple and Samsung -- but especially Apple, as Samsung went flat in 2015. Sony was flat, but this reflects both Sony's acknowledgement that global unit volume of cameras will continue to drop -- and their strategic response of moving up-market with higher value cameras like the RX100 IV  [B&H|Amazon] , a7s II  [B&H|Amazon], a7r II  [B&H|Amazon], and RX1R II  [B&H|Amazon].

Camera phones alone exceed the share of DSLRs as "mirrorless" share grew as well -- but remember, camera phones are mirrorless too -- as are most point and shoots.
