Has It Really Been SIX WEEKS Since I've Posted? The Tension Between Art & Commerce

If math serves, yes.


In the overall scheme of humanity, keeping up across social media platforms is not exactly a top 10 concern. I'm fortunate, in fact, that this is an issue at all.

But there's no point having a blog if I don't keep it current, and it isn't of value to you. So first: apologies.

Second, I'm sorting this out. Our YouTube channel is taking off, and it is my first business priority (yes, it has gone beyond passion to full time preoccupation, but since I love what I do , it doesn't really feel like work at all). 

After enough requests that we realized people weren't joking, in July we opened up a 3BMEP Storefront on Threadless.com where you can buy "Hold That Thought" T-shirts. Amazing: we have T-shirts. Who'd have thought?

In August, we launched our Patreon page, and the passion, intelligence, and generosity of our patrons -- as is the case on our YouTube channel -- are just extraordinary.

And then we also have the challenge of sorting out emails to keep you up to date, which we back-burnered months ago. That's now on our list, too.

So: lots to figure out, lots to do. For the moment, the store runs itself, Patreon is a gift, and YouTube is demanding tremendous effort which is also tremendously rewarding. I'm going to try to get on to a regular process for this blog and email, too. Realistically, this is an October set of ambitions given that we'll be in Europe for half of September for Photokina, and frenzied until that point.

All of which is a long way of saying: thank you for support, kindness, generosity and patience.